Archive of BBC Food Recipes

Upside-down pear and walnut frangipane tart with honeyed cream

Prep time less than 30 mins
Cook time less than 30 mins
Serves 2
Dietary Vegetarian
From Ready Steady Cook


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4.

  2. Melt the butter and sugar in a small, oven-proof frying pan over a low heat until the sugar starts to turn light brown. Add the pear and lightly sauté for a few minutes. Place to one side.

  3. For the frangipane, place the walnuts into a food processor and whiz until a powder. Add the remaining frangipane ingredients to the food processor and whiz again until smooth. Spoon the mixture over the pears and level the top.

  4. Put the frying pan into the oven and bake for about 12-15 minutes or until the frangipane is cooked. Loosen the edges of the tart, then carefully turn over onto a plate.

  5. For the honeyed cream, whip the cream in a mixing bowl and fold in the honey. Spoon the honeyed cream over the tart. Serve warm.


  • 55g/2oz butter
  • 55g/2oz caster sugar
  • 1 pear, core removed and sliced

For the frangipane

  • 100g/3½oz walnuts
  • 125g/4½oz butter, softened
  • 125g/4½oz self-raising flour
  • 3 tbsp caster sugar
  • 2 free-range eggs

For the honeyed cream

  • 150ml/¼ pint double cream
  • 2 tbsp honey

Shopping List

Upside-down pear and walnut frangipane tart with honeyed cream

Fruit and vegetables

Cooking ingredients

Dairy, eggs and chilled

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