Archive of BBC Food Recipes

Braised beef

Prep time less than 30 mins
Cook time less than 30 mins
Serves 4
From Saturday Kitchen


  1. Season the meat with salt and pepper.

  2. Brown the meat in oil. Remove the meat from the pan.

  3. Add the mirepoix ingredients to the pan along with the bacon, garlic, tomatoes and purée to the pan. Cook till softened.

  4. Add the brown stock to the pan and stir. Reduce the liquid until it is a syrupy consistence.

  5. Return the meat to the pan. Deglaze the meat with the wine or marinade.

  6. Cover the pan and braise the meat until tender 180C/350F/Gas 4 for approximately 1½hrs turning occasionally.

  7. Remove the meat from the pan. Reduce the sauce and if necessary bind with cornstarch.

  8. Strain the sauce and skim the fat. Season to taste adding a little more of the brown stock.

  9. Place the meat on a serving dish. Pour a small quantity of sauce over the carved meat before serving.

  10. Garnish with the blanched carrots, baby leek, pearl onions, mange tout, button mushrooms fried in a little butter with the remaining bacon.


  • 800g/1¾ lb beef topside or round shoulder
  • 20ml/¾fl oz oil
  • 100g/3½oz mirepoix - see below
  • 60g/2oz bacon trimmings, blanched
  • 1 garlic clove, with skin on
  • 200g/7oz fresh tomatoes, cut in quarters
  • salt, pepper
  • 500ml/17fl oz red wine
  • 500ml/17fl oz brown stock
  • a little cornflour

For the garnish

  • carrots, baby leek, pearl onions
  • mange tout, blanched
  • button mushrooms

For the mirepoix

  • 1 carrot
  • fresh thyme
  • fresh rosemary
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 stick celery
  • 1 tbsp tomato purée

Shopping List

Braised beef

Fruit and vegetables

Cooking ingredients


Meat, fish and poultry


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