Archive of BBC Food Recipes

Tomato and basil tart

Prep time less than 30 mins
Cook time less than 30 mins
Serves 1
Dietary Vegetarian


  1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.

  2. Roll the pastry out thinly on a floured surface. Cut a large circle out and place on a non-stick baking tray. Crumple the edges of the pastry roughly using your fingers.

  3. Place the tomato slices in the middle of the pastry circle and then top with the basil. Sprinkle the cheese over and season with black pepper.

  4. Brush the edges of the tart using the egg wash and then bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes, or until crisp and golden.

  5. Serve.


  • 110g/4oz puff pastry
  • plain flour, to dust
  • 1 beef tomato, cut into slices
  • handful of fresh basil leaves
  • 55-85g/2-3 oz gruyère cheese, grated
  • freshly ground black pepper, to season
  • 1 egg, beaten

Shopping List

Tomato and basil tart

Fruit and vegetables

Tins, packets and jars

Cooking ingredients

Dairy, eggs and chilled

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