Archive of BBC Food Recipes

Real proper custard

Prep time less than 30 mins
Cook time less than 30 mins
Makes 570ml/1 pint custard
Dietary Vegetarian
From Saturday Kitchen
Try making Mary Berry’s foolproof, homemade custard, perfect for slathering on crumbles, pies and puddings.


  1. Bring the milk, cream and vanilla pod to simmering point slowly over a low heat.

  2. Remove the vanilla pod (wash the vanilla pod, dry and store in jar with caster sugar to make vanilla sugar).

  3. Whisk the yolks, sugar and cornflour together in a bowl until well blended.

  4. Pour the hot milk and cream on to the eggs and sugar, whisking all the time with a balloon whisk.

  5. Return to the pan, (add vanilla extract if using) and over a low heat gently stir with a wooden spatula until thickened.

  6. Pour the custard into a jug and serve at once.

  7. To keep hot, stand the jug in a pan of hot water and cover the top with cling film to prevent skin forming.


  • 570ml/1 pint milk
  • 55ml/2fl oz single cream
  • 1 vanilla pod or ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs, yolks only
  • 30g/1oz caster sugar
  • 2 level tsp cornflour

Shopping List

Real proper custard

Cooking ingredients

Dairy, eggs and chilled

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